by Dean Isaacson | 18 Apr 2011 | news and commentary, regulatory compliance
Previously, OSHA included “flexible language” in 1926.501(b)(13) because of concerns expressed during the rulemaking period about the feasibility and safety of using conventional fall protection for residential construction. The wording of this section is:...
by Dean Isaacson | 11 Oct 2010 | news and commentary, regulatory compliance
There is cause to be concerned the EPA may be a bureaucracy out of control. They are relentless in pursuit of rules to control every aspect of commerce. The recent Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule is one such example. However, the purpose of this article is...
by Dean Isaacson | 12 Jul 2010 | news and commentary, safety management
According to the Seattle Times, a jury awarded a woman 2.7 million dollars for hitting a horse in the road. The award went against the phone company alone, not the phone company driver, not the person attending the horse, not against another driver who had pulled over...